Slow travel budget examples

travel montage: nepal, indonesia, india, singapore, spain, morocco, thailand

So what does it cost for a slow traveler on a budget to live for a month in Kotor or Lisbon, Bangkok or Penang? Rishikesh or Tulum? You will find the Earth Vagabonds slow travel budget examples from around the world listed on this page.

Our budget when we started in 2015 was $2,000 a month for two people.

During the pandemic, when we were ‘stuck’ in the Philippines, we gave away our unused travel money to Filipino and indigenous friends trying to survive without tourists. So, the ‘charity’ categories in those months are way higher than normal.

After the pandemic, we kept our 2k per month budget in places like India and Nepal, but raised it to $2,500 in Eastern Europe and Turkiye.

Budgets are relative — yours may be higher or lower. But these expenditure examples give you a clear idea of what you can spend as a budget slow traveler in various cities around the world.

The most recent budget breakdowns are at the top of this ever-growing list.

Last note: we don’t play around with fudging dates. Every post is clearly marked when it was posted. We don’t pretend everything was written this year, like some other travel bloggers.

Slow travel budget examples

Thanks for reading, “Earth Vagabonds slow travel budget examples.”

Theo jumps from a cliff into sea, happy about early retirement and slow travel.


Vagabond: (n) A person who wanders from place to place without a home or job. (adj) Having no settled home.

slow travel

Long-term stays; use buses and trains with infrequent flights; the faster you go the less you see.

early retirement

Stay on budget
Financial freedom
Active learning
Global citizenry
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