Last Updated on February 23, 2024 by Ellen
Recent news stories about strange ‘aerial phenomena’ remind me of that time we saw a UFO in Mexico. True story.
I’ve told the story at parties, and people look at me with uncertainty. Sure, I seem rational and somewhat intelligent. So why was I telling them a crazy story about a UFO in Mexico? No one ever said, ‘Hey, I saw one, too!’ And no one ever said, ‘I believe you.’
I’m not crazy. I saw it, Theo saw it, and everyone on the beach that night saw it.
I don’t think Theo has ever told the story on his own. He can’t explain it, and so he doesn’t recount it.
When I asked Theo the other day: Do you remember that time we saw a UFO in Mexico, his wise-ass remark was something like, “No, I don’t remember… of course I do.” And then, “As you know, as you’ve always known, I try not to think about it.”
Neither of us can remember the year. Circa 2007. We think.
The strange sighting happened during one of our many vacations to Mexico before we retired. It might be the trip we went to Tulum, Playa del carmen, Chichen Itza (pictured above), and Progresso. We saw the unidentified flying object — or hyper-speed-taking-off object — in my beloved Tulum.
UFO in Mexico
It was a starry night, moon free and breezy in Tulum. We visited our sailor-turned-artist friend Tasso von Jena that night.
He lived in a hut (pictured below) in the at the now defuct El Mirador, which used to be the hotel closest to the ruins (pictured at the top of the page).
Our hotel (hut) was at Zazil Kin, a 10-minute walk on the beach south away from the ruins, and we were headed there when we saw the UFO.
What we saw
In the corner of my eye, to my left, on the horizon, a ‘thing’ shot up out of the water. We stopped walking and watched.
It was so bright, so fast, and it was noiseless.
It was as if a camera flash had lit the entire beach, but it was longer than a flash. We were focused on the ‘thing’ but we noticed where people were sitting on the beach in the brief, extreme lighting.
We watched it shoot up into the upper levels of Earth’s atmosphere. It left a lit trail, but a small one. And then it was gone. It never made any sound. I thought it might – light travels faster than sound. But there was nothing.
The experience lasted maybe five seconds.
No rocket could do that.
We stood dumbstruck a few moments, and then we approached people and confirmed they’d seen it, too. It’s true we had a few drinks, but we were far from drunk. We were not on drugs.
As to the actual object, I cannot describe it. I couldn’t really see it. It was far off – on the horizon. But still the light was so bright it lit the beach. All I could see was something like a dot, maybe, with blinding light underneath it, somehow propelling it upwards.
Unidentified Flying Objects
We raced back to Tasso’s hut to see if he’d seen it. He had not. He’d been inside. ‘Heat lightning,’ he said. ‘It was probably heat lightning.’
We who saw it know it was not heat lightning.
Yes, we saw a UFO in Mexico. And I guess we were really lucky to have seen it. Humbled in that we know practically nothing of the Universe, and other inhabitants.
Over the years (14?!), before today’s headlines of an impending report and leaked video from a U.S. military source, I have occasionally thought about that bizarre incident.
The leaked video shows a dot that appears to me to turn before it vanishes in the water. That’s the opposite of what we saw – it shot up out of the water.
I believe, as I’ve always believed, we saw an alien craft of some type. Why do I believe that? Common sense.
But common sense applied to the inexplicable is not often popular. So I relegated the story to parties or those conversation occasions when UFOs came up.
Common sense
Common sense is too often dismissed if a logical assumption goes against what the ‘experts’ say is valid and final. Yet sometimes the experts are wrong. Or worse.
The novel coronavirus origin is another example of people missing the common sense point.
The Lab-Leak Hypothesis is a terrific example of someone raising the question: are there too many coincidences to rule out a lab leak? It is an excellent read and I highly recommend it.
Unidentified Pandemic Origin
As of this writing, The Lab-Leak Hypothesis is already almost six month old. It took six months for growing calls on the origin of the novel coronavirus to be prioritized. Why? Because as The Lab-Leak article points out, ‘experts’ are playing Russian roulette with deadly viruses, in labs all over the Earth, often with American money.
There now calls for a serious investigation with more access in China because in November 2019, months before the World Health Organization declared a pandemic, Wuhan lab workers were hospitalized with flu-like symptoms.
Add in what the Wuhan lab was doing with viruses. Add in how Anthony Fauci oversaw massive American funding to this Chinese lab. Plus, Chinese authorities locking down massive cities with millions of people. To top it off, consider the new information about sick lab workers. And now, connect the dots with common sense.
It’s not irrefutable proof, but it should be enough to at least ignite serious inquiry with unfettered access by people with no vested interest. And media failed, again, by labeling this conspiracy theory.
What UFOs, viruses have in common
For years, people saw UFOs with their own eyes (!) and shared their experiences, yet they were dismissed as crackpots because there was no irrefutable proof. It wasn’t until after a New York Times story in December 2017 that truth seekers were vindicated as the ‘crazy label’ began to lift.
Now, if I think the new coronavirus originated in a lab (and I do), and if I believe it was either let out on purpose or by accident (I’m not sure which yet), and I share my logical basis for this assumption, which I readily admit is not proven, I am labeled a conspiracy theorist.
If more people are willing to be open-minded about possibilities instead of cocooning in a comfortable cloak of forced narrative, and if more people were demanding irrefutable proof before dismissing possibilities, we’d all be smarter, and safer.
Also consider this. If the U.S. government can do an about-face on UFOs, isn’t it logical to think a flip-flop is at least possible for the coronavirus source, as well?
Until more is revealed, except for this unusual commentary post, I’ll keep my ‘crazy’ theories mostly to myself, and I’ll share the story of the time we saw a UFO in Mexico only when the topic comes up in conversation.
Just know: there are those of us out here who have experienced inexplicable events, and we are not nuts.
Thanks for reading, “That time we saw a UFO in Mexico.”
One more freaky travel story: Monsters in Mamallapuram
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