Season’s Greetings!

Earth Vagabonds holiday card 2020

Last Updated on June 8, 2023 by Ellen

We wish all of our friends, readers, and family a healthy and safe holiday season!

And we hope 2021 will be better for us all.

Peace on Earth.

Life is Now.

Love, Earth Vagabonds Ellen & Theo

4 thoughts on “Season’s Greetings!”

  1. Vittorio Giuseppe Cervi

    You are the best! Admiring your good mood and sense of humour in all situations. I wonder if the file por your Philippine Honorary Citizenship has finished or still going on ahah.

    Happy year and love from Loretta and me

    1. Vittorio!! So wonderful to read your comment. That means you and Loretta are OK. We have been wondering about you. Theo will send an email soon.

      Luckily, we are able to stay in the Philippines for three years on a tourist visa. It is one good thing about an American passport these days…

      Love to you both!

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