‘The Game Changers’ wants to change your diet

the game changers documentary advertisement announcing the film is available on netflix

We recently attended a showing of the 2018 film “The Game Changers.” It’s a very provocative documentary about health, science, sport, diet, environment, sustainability, advertising, politics, and more.

The main message of the movie, produced by James Cameron and other well-known celebs like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis Hamilton, and Novak Djokovic, is that eating meat is bad for you (and the planet) – and conversely, a plant-based diet does wonders for the body and is what humans truly need.

The documentary follows former Ultimate Fighter and martial arts guru, James Wilks’ journey of recovery after injury and is an eye-opening presentation of the argument for veganism.

But despite the strong case made in the film – it is deeply flawed. Scientific evidence is presented as facts, even though true scientific study of the claims that are made is limited, non-existent, or disputed.

Further, numerous world-class athletes are featured and give incredible testimonial to the film’s thesis. But can success in physical endeavor by elite athletes really be attributable to a change in diet alone?

the game changers movie picture of a plate of vegan food - vegetables and beans
The film The Game Changers claims a vegan diet is the best diet for the human body.

Also, the movie has an all-or-nothing type feel. I personally don’t think food consumption of any kind should exclude others. And modern mainstream nutrition does not adopt this stance, either.

And no where in the film is any contradictory or alternate dietary information presented… even though there are certainly other opinions out there.

In all, The Game Changers is a completely one sided story – but still, an interesting and compelling one. And in a culture rife with obesity and diabetes and fast-food, I think it is more than worth a couple hours of your entertainment time.

Ironically, we watched the film in Bali, Indonesia, a Mecca for vegans and vegetarians. This is a place, like most of Southeast Asia, where rice and noodles and tofu and tempe are literally staples of the local diet.

the theater in ubud, indonesia, where the movie the game changers was screened
The Paradiso Theater in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, where we watched the film, The Game Changers.

After viewing The Game Changers, I have personally decided to start incorporating more plant-based foods into my diet. Flawed or not, if the movie helps any of us get healthier – or even think about it – it could indeed be a game changer.

The Game Changers in now on Netflix.


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